How to install Tomcat from EasyApache

How to install Tomcat from EasyApache

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of how to install Tomcat from EasyApache, a powerful tool that helps integrate Tomcat with Apache for improved Java-based content management.The Apache Tomcat is actually a server and a servlet container, it enables a webserver to handle aggressive Java-based web content using the HTTP protocol. 

Introduction to Installing Tomcat on EasyApache

The apache is a traditional web server, optimized for handling static and dynamic web content (very often PHP-based), its absence the ability to manage Java Servlets and JSP. The Tomcat is almost totally geared towards Java-based content. Tomcat was originally developed as a means to provide the JSP functionality that Apache absence. 

In order to install Tomcat from EasyApache, first, we need to Enable Tomcat 8.5 support for a cPanel account. 

WGIB7Y8QIRAqXOoKOAtGmYaPMeFbv1EEt2kxs7rRG7617TTv Kd L3 ScsjsNm5s0oZSx4n sbYVRa3X68Z0UCpTMhz25uUq2sRFj2iBSf8NR5GCa4g 1it38m97cs2XfhWUird5

After enabling Tomcat from the cPanel Tomcat Manager panel, create an A folder to host tomcat code “ea-tomcat85” will be created under the cPanel account home directory.

Once we created the folder “ea-tomcat85” under the cPanel account home directory, then Configure the application by adding the below line to 

/home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/conf/server.xml under section <Host>. 

<Context path=”/” docBase=”/home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/webapps/ROOT/”> </Context> 

We can test the configuration by following the below-provided steps. 

su – cpuser 

echo “export PATH=$(dirname $(readlink /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl)):$PATH” >> /home/cpuser/.bashrc 

source ~/.bashrc 

Edit /home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/conf/server.xml, look for deployOnStartup under <Host> section. Then, change to following value 


cp /opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/test.jsp /home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/webapps/ROOT/ 

Then Restart Tomcat service, 

ubic stop ea-tomcat85 

ubic start ea-tomcat85 

ubic status ea-tomcat85 

TD mrfhFg3NGq IvdJjDVYzkMcP1RKiJ56l8sKwzHVR jhygkkNsdsfCpxJFmXpAWO8dpdYQo0vHwcfmjicpkiC0zGODK Cg YSvZzAQRW9C56PWYDmm8LE gR0eIvTfLHN6 a9J

To check the HTTP connector’s port: 

egrep ‘Connector port.*HTTP’ /home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/conf/server.xml

Q78RN4UhlCNY hl SEjFiyp3t6Xzf WNnRR2rG2q7H3l ho3a8CXRsxSyLaj4ucPaSa2m363B clN8yXm7HYvPPBZplbmjHVyNCMg KQKa169AakyMiXPo4PNXzTDZDGwYB3mlbH

Once you have verified the connection port, then you can browse from URL http://yourwebsitename:10002/test.jsp

YPFdVPYK3SCIZGotQL5QbubYUf3B4U54yv 2a2i2bvvoHsUjxhDoYWZs2lX3HO7MMhR drQGmd2Xaapoxea 1DnFJm nsa S66NBexL2kmZvn8KcZMZL5EJhZfAz 9Q7NbUFiH2

We can configure the SSL for the site by following the below-provided steps. 

Create a new port for SSL site. 

/scripts/cpuser_port_authority list cpusername 

nK9M VHDHsOEUIf5M 7YNlqr2u1MhtwNEgzGtziVtPlPFqLAF7v8EK1NEQpKCyFsm7souxJkYjP4KHcHDoprFiu34lFew y62MQSP

/scripts/cpuser_port_authority give tomcatmar 1 –service=ea-tomcat85

Fi eEPl56Oj r77FI8TQ2HaKuBYmE2Kq gm6qwV9T2s9uzDx2JOqOaYolvCOChZ 4x0jqzm99WMEnw70T9mPRf qdC1j aUplnqwjGaAVOpdCGamI1GNw2IYv9Zh2B7 qednW9 z

This command creates a new port 10004 which will be used for the tomcat SSL port. Export PEM key to Java Keystore ( Java SSL name ) by using cPanel generated SSL key. 

openssl pkcs12 -export -in combined_crt_ca_key -inkey private.key -out keystore -name -passin pass:password -passout pass:password 

Opened /home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/conf/server.xml, right below the line which begins with “<Connector port=”10001″ protocol=”HTTP/1.1″ connectionTimeout=”20000″ xpoweredBy=”false”/>”, adding below line 

<Connector port=”10004” protocol=”org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol” SSLEnabled=”true” scheme=”https” secure=”true” sslProtocol=”TLS” 

keystoreFile=”/home/cpuser/ea-tomcat85/conf/ssl/kestorefile” keystorePass=”password”/> 

Restart Tomcat service. 

W99jOnSD1T9V5HXL15a1KBZIbCgj6vm6PfUuAq K3SHHOm y ReoPvg7hwIl1Svgf2ANUu0yt5Rj06zRCgciyD nlz 8lIzy7kUhUhnfjKsCh0ucsVb2 gmPU871oPRWBoD9QF2H

Once you restart the Tomcat service, you can browse with HTTPS URL.


We can proxy the Tomcat to Apache by following the below-provided steps.

Uncomment the below line from the apache configuration file. 

In order to customize this VirtualHost, we can use an include file at the following location Include “/etc/apache2/conf.d/userdata/std/2_4/cpuser/*.conf” 

Then create a file name tomcatproxypass.conf or any file name, insert below the line. 

<IfModule proxy_ajp_module> 

ProxyPass “/” “ajp://” 


Now can browse the URL like below, 

Tomcat port


Apache proxy port


Add More Examples or Use Cases

You could also add a section on real-world use cases for Tomcat, such as examples of websites or applications that commonly use it, and how EasyApache helps manage it.

Suggested Example Section:

Tomcat is widely used for Java-based web applications, including enterprise applications, e-commerce platforms, and content management systems (CMS). For example, companies that use Java-based frameworks like Spring or Hibernate can deploy their applications on Tomcat, taking advantage of its efficient servlet container and connection management. By using EasyApache to install Tomcat, businesses can streamline their setup process and quickly deploy their Java applications to production.

Final Word Count Strategy:

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